The oil painting titled “Tak” was presented to Her Majesty, the Queen of Bhutan by artist, John Banovich, in April 2024 during a landmark event that unfolded in the heart of Bhutan at the Sustainable Finance for Tiger Landscapes Conference.  After the event, the King and Queen invited John to a private dinner and party at their palace for conversation. Before the event John spent some time with them at another one of their palaces as well. Overall, he had some incredible person-to-person conversations with them about many topics including tiger conservation. It shows how much an artist can make a difference and, no matter the culture, how the mystique of art and artists can begin conversations and work to conserve wildlife and wild landscapes.

This pivotal gathering marked the first time that various coalitions united under a single cause: to forge strategies for the preservation of the planet’s precious tiger habitats. This collaborative effort set out to address the challenges faced by tigers across Asia, aiming to ensure their survival and recovery in an era of environmental and societal shifts.

Her Majesty, the Queen of Bhutan and John Banovich will be releasing a print of “Tak” that will be co-promoted with the World Wildlife Fund and Wildlife Conservation Society to raise over $200,000 for the Coalition. It is a great story of art and organizations coming together to raise funds for the world’s wildlife. The original painting will remain in the private collection of the King and Queen of Bhutan.

Artist Statement
“Tak,” inspired by the Tibetan Buddhist concept of the Four Dignities, delves into the profound themes of wisdom and compassion. Just as I guide my children through life’s lessons, I aim to mirror the qualities of each dignity within my artwork. Through the tiger, symbolizing contentment and discernment, I emphasize the importance of mindfulness and empathy in our daily lives. The discovery of contentment leads to the impetus of one making a leap into the world to be of benefit to others. By infusing my art with these values, I hope to convey the significance of cultivating compassion and wisdom. As we slow down and consider our thoughts, words, and actions with the question, “Will this bring happiness or pain?”, we become like tigers who carefully observe the landscape before making their move.

As an artist, I find myself captivated by the challenge of capturing not just the physicality, but the calmness exuded by the tiger. In its eyes, I see the embodiment of serenity, strength, and compassion over hostility – a testament to the power of inner peace, and to the timeless power of art to inspire, uplift, and unite across cultures and spiritual traditions.